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SceneKit get texture coordinate after touch with Swift

Generics of raw types (Int, Float, Double) create weird error messages

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Use of undeclared type AutoreleasingUnsafePointer Xcode 6 beta 6

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Difference between a type and an explicitly unwrapped type in Swift

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sending accessToken to server using swift ios

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Getting a swift_unknownWeakRelease() in a possible block/closure retain cycle

iOS 8 Swift Read Plist

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Inferred to have type 'AnyClass', which may be unexpected


How to show a NavigationBar on detailViewController of SplitViewController iOS 8

Why does Xcode 6 keep autocompleting true as TRUE from the Dynamic Link Editor library?

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How would I unmarshal JSON to a class in swift?

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NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest can't get variable out of closure

Assigning function to a variable in swift strange behavior

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Convert AnyObject? to String

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Swift computed properties in Swift with instance variable?

NSPNGFileType - not found in Swift?

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Casting Any to AnyObject in Swift


Create convenience Initializer on subclass that calls failable Initializer

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Swift AVAudioEngine crash: player started when in a disconnected state

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NSStoryboardSegue sample code (Yosemite Storyboard)