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New posts in nsurlsessiondownloadtask

Download a file with NSURLSession in Swift

Several DownloadTasks sequentially

Why does my URLDownloadTask not call didFinishDownloadtingTo?

NSURLSession with invalid resume data

URLSession downloadTask much slower than internet connection

How to get a response from NSURLSessionDownloadTask downloadTaskWithRequest

Download large number of files in background in iOS

NSURLSession downloadTask not releasing memory

NSURLSessionDownloadTask stalls in background, slow to recover in foreground

iOS 13 background download issue

NSURLSession getting intermittent SSLHandshake failed (-9810) error

NSURLSession URLSessionDidFinishEventsForBackgroundURLSession handler never called ios 8. OK in ios 7

Download multiple files using iOS background transfer service

NSURLSessionDownloadTask not deleting the file when the app is closed by the user and the task was still active

BackgroundSession SessionDownloadTask when locking screen, Error: NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code = 1

NSURLSession Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"

Handling NSURLSessionDownloadTask failure

What happens if disk space runs out while using NSURLSessionDownloadTask in background?