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New posts in nsurlsessiondownloadtask

NSUrlSessionDownloadTask - didCompleteWithError when go in background

NSURLSessionDownloadTask - read downloaded data before didFinishDownloading

Does NSUrlSession continue file transfer if the app is killed from task manager?

NSURLSession background download not working

Download many files (photos, videos) in background with priority order

Get the data from NSURLSession DownloadTaskWithRequest from completion handler

URLSessionDidFinishEventsForBackgroundURLSession Not Calling- Objective-C

How can I check that an NSData blob is valid as resumeData for an NSURLSessionDownloadTask?

Swift:URLSessionDownload file says it exists but it doesn't?

Send local notification when download completes through NSURLSession / NSURLSessionDownloadTask

NSURLSessionDownloadTask downloadTask: didFinishDownloadingToURL file does not exist?

Weird NSURLSessionDownloadTask behavior over cellular (not wifi)

Swift - Downloading video with downloadTaskWithURL

Stream video while downloading iOS

NSURLErrorDomain Code=-997 "Lost connection to background transfer service"

How does one deal with a cancelled NSURLSessionTask in the completion handler block?

How to resume NSURLSession download process after app force-quit and app relaunch?

Showing the file download progress with NSURLSessionDataTask

What is difference between NSURLSessionDataTask vs NSURLSessionDownloadTask