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New posts in mpmovieplayer

iOS: How to save a video in your directory and play it afterwards?

MPMoviePlayerController shows blank white screen before launch?

Play videos automatically on Tableview cell in iOS

MPMoviePlayerViewController stops playback when unplugging headphones

Better way to make MPMoviePlayer with Overlay view

Custom progress slider control on MPMoviePlayer

How to detect when iPhone MPMoviePlayer controls appear/disappear?

Issues playing a video with MonoTouch

Can not detect MPMoviePlayerDidExitFullscreenNotification

How to play video using MPMoviePlayerController?

How to make a movie from set of images using UIGetScreenImage

MPMoviePlayer not playing video

Using MPMoviePlayerViewController in SDK 3.2 for iPad

ipad mpmovieplayer

iOS - How can i get the playable duration of AVPlayer

How to remove app name from Control Center - Music?

How to show buffered data on UISlider using MpMoviePlayerController in iOS?

Stream video while downloading iOS

Play video from cache in iphone programmatically

iOS - Video not rotating only in iOS7 over iPhone?