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New posts in stringr

Efficient way to add numbers to alphanumeric strings in R

r string tidyr stringr

Extracting a number following specific text in R

regex r stringr

Detect a list of words in a string variable and extract matched words to a new variable in data frame

r dplyr stringr

What does the error "the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used" mean? [duplicate]

Subset vector not containing word in piped operation in R (regex)

r regex stringr piping

In regex, mystery Error: assertion 'tree->num_tags == num_tags' failed in executing regexp: file 'tre-compile.c', line 634

Identify continuously occurring stretch of specific letters in a string using R

r substr stringr

Extract first sentence in string

r regex stringr

Use stringr in R to find the remaining string after last substring [duplicate]

r regex stringr

changing all values in one column in a filtered data.frame in R

r dplyr stringr

Replace part of string with mutate (in a pipe)

r dplyr tidyverse stringr

What is the difference between paste/paste0 and str_c?

r stringr

Create new variables based upon specific values

regex r dplyr stringr

Difference between `paste`, `str_c`, `str_join`, `stri_join`, `stri_c`, `stri_paste`?

r stringr stringi

How to subtract two comma separated columns in R?

r data.table stringr

Different behavior of base R gsub and stringr::str_replace_all?

Sequentially replace multiple places matching single pattern in a string with different replacements

regex r stringr stringi

Get text from href tag after specific class

r regex stringr stringi

How to remove + (plus sign) from string in R?

r gsub stringr

Extract part of string between two different patterns