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New posts in string-literals

Why can you assign an array to a char pointer?

Concatenate string literals

Is it "bad practice" to use tab characters in string literals?

when is string pool create in java at compile time or run time?

java string string-literals

jq not replacing json value with parameter

How to embed hex values in a lua string literal (i.e. \x equivalent)

Proper setting a local environment variable in C++

What's the counterpart in Java of C#'s @ string literal?

c# java string-literals

Vector initialization with std::begin and std::end

c++ vector string-literals

C++ compare two string literals

c++ string-literals

Convert javascript string to an array

sizeof() showing different output

c sizeof string-literals

Array reference and implicit constructor: bug in gcc or not? [duplicate]

c++ g++ string-literals

Markdown within yaml / yaml multi-line escape sequence?

Is it possible to use a value for a @RequestMapping that is a String but not a String literal?

Weird behaviour constexpr with std::initializer_list

Julia Regular Expressions

regex julia string-literals

append a character from an array to a char pointer

c c-strings string-literals

Can string literals be passed in posix_spawn's argv?

c posix string-literals

String literals without having to escape special characters?