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New posts in shader

A triangle with 3 varyings of same value.. does GPU interpolate / waste performance?

opengl directx webgl shader

Pixel bender shaders with multiple outputs in flash?

Why isn't this OpenGL ES 2.0 shader working with my VBO on iOS?

three.js webgl custom shader sharing texture with new offset

Odd behavior in fluid simulation when converting from my working shadertoy to unity compute shaders

How should modern OpenGL shaders be written so as to be compatible with each other?

Overview/showcase of shader techniques/uses for games

graphics glsl shader

Texture on a mesh doesn't render correctly Libgdx

java opengl libgdx shader mesh

GLSL Issue when using pow()

c++ opengl glsl shader

OpenGL multiple Sampler2D (array) examples?

opengl graphics shader

Metal emulate geometry shaders using compute shaders

macos shader metal

Why does GLSL lighting code shift the light spot with the camera?

opengl glsl shader lighting

How to create a OpenGL texture from byte array in Android

2D motion blur and gaussian blur using purely GLSL

java glsl libgdx shader

Physically based shader not producing desired results

Ray Tracer Shadow Problems

c++ shader intersection trace

OpenGL ES: flat shading without duplicating vertices?

opengl-es shader

per-fragment lighting coordinate system

DirectX Shader Resource View in Shaders

Performance difference between geometry shader and vertex shader

opengl glsl shader