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New posts in shader

Is glCompileShader optional?

opengl shader

ES 2.0 Multi-Pass & Render to Texture Implementation

iphone shader opengl-es-2.0

Really simple custom shader in Three.js - how to make it work?

OpenGL ES Shader to outline 2D images

opengl-es shader

Am I doing something wrong with this CG program?

c++ shader ogre3d ogre cg

Unity3D Sprite ... but single sided?

Normal map lighting is different depending on the direction

Unity Shader - How to efficiently recolor specific coordinates?

c# unity3d shader hlsl cg

OpenGL v2.0 Shaders with Dev-C++ and SDL?

opengl sdl shader dev-c++

HLSL branch avoidance

Retrieve Vertices Data in THREE.js

Is there a way to apply a sinewave distortion effect purely in shaders?

opengl shader

How expensive is fetching a texture in GLSL?

performance opengl glsl shader

Are OpenGL binary program formats standardized?

opengl binary shader

How to implement a ground fog GLSL shader

opengl glsl shader

Three.js, custom shader and png texture with transparency

Bad lighting using Phong Method

c++ opengl shader cgal phong

OpenGL ES Shaders and 64-bit iPhone 5S

Render multiple models in OpenGL with a single draw call

opengl 3d shader

How to include shaders as external files

glsl shader webgl