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New posts in reference-counting

two shared_ptr from same enable_shared_from_this instance

Xcode static analyzer and copyWithZone

Debugging PHP memory leak. Tracking the reference count?

ctypes - references from C to python objects

Swift 4: Are Strings reference counted & how to get that count

What is the idiomatic way to write a linked list with a tail pointer?

Where should I put Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF on this block in Python C Extension?

python c reference-counting

Understanding C++ std::shared_ptr

How python handles object instantiation in a ' for' loop

Microsoft objects, the Release() functions return value?

How does PHP references work under the hood for arrays?

Making a reference-counted object in D using RefCounted!(T)

Is the implementation of Delphi interface reference counting future proof

What does assigning a literal string to an NSString with "=" actually do?

Reference-counting for objects

Garbage Collection in Java

x86 equivalent for LWARX and STWCX

Why doesn't the JVM destroy a resource as soon as its reference count hits 0?

Is there a way to distinguish between different `Rc`s of the same value?