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two shared_ptr from same enable_shared_from_this instance

Given this class which is enable_shared_from_this:

class connection : public std::enable_shared_from_this<connection>

Suppose I create two instances of std::shared_ptr from the same connection* as follows:

std::shared_ptr<connection> rc(new connection);

std::shared_ptr<connection> fc(rc.get(), [](connection const * c) {
                                   std::cout << "fake delete" << std::endl;

So far its good, as the resource { connection* } is owned by a single shared_ptrrc to be precise, and fc just have a fake deleter.

After that, I do this:

auto sc = fc->shared_from_this();
//OR auto sc = rc->shared_from_this(); //does not make any difference!

Now which shared_ptrrc or fc — would sc share its reference-count with? In other words,

std::cout << rc->use_count() << std::endl;
std::cout << fc->use_count() << std::endl;

What should these print? I tested this code and found rc seems to have 2 references while fc just 1.

My question is, why is that? and what should be the correct behavior and its rationale?

I'm using C++11 and GCC 4.7.3.

like image 280
Nawaz Avatar asked Nov 13 '17 04:11


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hpp> defines the class template enable_shared_from_this . It is used as a base class that allows a shared_ptr or a weak_ptr to the current object to be obtained from within a member function.

How enable_ shared_ from_ this works?

std::enable_shared_from_this is a standard solution that enables a shared_ptr managed object to acquire a shared_ptr to itself on demand. A class T that publicly inherits an std::enable_shared_from_this<T> encapsulates a std::weak_ptr<T> to itself that can be converted to a std::shared_ptr<T> when needed.

1 Answers

The raw pointer overloads assume ownership of the pointed-to object. Therefore, constructing a shared_ptr using the raw pointer overload for an object that is already managed by a shared_ptr, such as by shared_ptr(ptr.get()) is likely to lead to undefined behavior, even if the object is of a type derived from std::enable_shared_from_this. -- http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/shared_ptr/shared_ptr

In your case you get to shared pointers that have two different ownership information blocks but always increment the ref count of the first shared pointer instance of the class.

If you remove the 'fake deleter' you'l get a double free problem.

like image 198
Mihayl Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
