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New posts in pointers

Expression must have pointer to struct or union error

c pointers

Can I use the address of argc in main as random source?

Python: Are numpy arrays linked when one array is transposed?

python arrays pointers numpy

Should I expect that upcasts and downcasts in single inheritance don't adjust the pointer?

Common Lisp CFFI: pointer to the pointer

pointers common-lisp cffi

Restricted pointer questions

malloc returns 0x100000000

c pointers malloc

Not Understanding Pointer Arithmetic with ++ and --

c++ memory pointers

Understanding self in Objective-C

Initialization of a pointer immediately after calling deleteLater()

qt pointers qt4

C99: Is it possible to portably determine if two pointers point within the same aggregate?

Dereferencing a char pointer gets slower as the string it points to lengthens. Why?

c++ performance pointers

x86 asm, dereferenced pointer not getting updated

intel pointers assembly x86

deep copy of struct with Pointer Point in C

c pointers struct deep-copy

Passing a C# double array to a C++ function using CLI

c# c++ arrays pointers c++-cli

fopen() returning a NULL pointer, but the file definitely exists

How portable is using the low bit of a pointer as a flag?

Why can't you do bitwise operations on pointer in C, and is there a way around this?

pointer vs handles in C (are the terms used to convey separate things?)

c windows pointers handle

What are the semantics of overlapping objects in C?