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Why [[HomeObject]] is different in shorthand syntax of method?

What is the difference between super() with arguments and without arguments?

set title to JFrame

java eclipse swing jframe super

Do I need to call [super viewDidUnload]?

demystify super in python?

python super

Python: Calling the __init__() method of a base class using super() when it requires arguments [duplicate]

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python constructor of derived class

what is super(type) in python?

python inheritance super

Calling "super" keyword with modules and inheritance

Why Comparable and Comparator are consumers in PECS wildcard types in Java

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Obj-C: call super class

iphone objective-c oop super

Cast ArrayList<String> to String[] in one expression?

java exception casting super

Calling super on a method defined by define_method

Accessing instance members in constructors

Python - how to correctly set up hierarchy of classes?

python class subclass super

What is different between $this-> and parent:: in OOP PHP?

php oop inheritance super

Why isn't possible to have contravariant return types [duplicate]