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Is it possible to write conditional statements in a pandoc template based on variable values?


from HTML <figure> and <figcaption> to Microsoft Word

c# html css ms-word pandoc

pandoc complains about utf-8 decoding error even if my file is valid utf-8 encoded file

Pandoc, markdown, powerpoint: support for equations?

R --markdown to latex - tables do not show up

Converting html to json with pandoc

LaTeX PDF with images from web in shinyapp

r shiny latex r-markdown pandoc

Beamer presentation with Pandoc and Markdown - Persian characters don't show properly

markdown pandoc beamer

Pandoc and html5 exporting pdf's with huge margins

wkhtmltopdf pandoc

Rmarkdown HTML Template produces pandoc error 61

html r r-markdown pandoc

PanDoc - Force converting into markdown to use # and ## for H1 and H2 respectively

markdown pandoc

Linebreaks removed by pandoc

Pandoc citations without appending the references bibliography

How to change pandoc option in R Studio

r r-markdown pandoc

how can xtable do cell coloring

r r-markdown pandoc

Fonts for Rmarkdown document

r pdf yaml r-markdown pandoc

German long date in rmarkdown

r knitr r-markdown pandoc

Change the caption title of a figure in markdown

Reference to figure and table numbers with Pandoc

Pandoc: Convert Markdown to HTML *without* any HTML attributes