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New posts in cross-reference

Creating a yaml file with aliases through PyYAML

Cross reference and circular dependency. Header including itself indirectly

Cross referencing assemblies

Cross-referencing Chapter numbers or names by rmarkdown

XSL cross-reference

xml xslt cross-reference

Generating anchors with PyYAML.dump()?

yaml pyyaml cross-reference

Forward declaration of set Comparator

How are PDF files able to be partially displayed while downloading?

OCaml cross linking

Is it possible to DRY up yaml?

Sphinx: how to cross-reference a target generated by a custom directive

Resolving name conflicts in references in Sphinx with intersphinx

Reference to figure and table numbers with Pandoc

Sphinx: cross-reference indexed item

PyYaml "include file" and yaml aliases (anchors/references)

yaml pyyaml cross-reference

Python-Sphinx: Link to Section in external File

Adding figures and tables after bibliography in Rmarkdown

How can I put an intersphinx link to an arbitrary method in the standard library documentation?

How to choose the text use in a cross-reference with Sphinx?