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How to build a auto reply JMS listener in JUnit (in OpenEJB)

OpenEJB 4.6.0 does not start with jdk8

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Several instances of a @Singleton OpenEJB bean present

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OpenEJB with Tomcat and Hibernate and JPA

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Choosing embedded EJB 3.x container to run Java EE 5 app on Tomcat

How to configure embedded OpenEJB container for tests properly?

Tomcat / "Application cannot be deployed as it contains deployment-ids" error

tomcat openejb

openejb embedded container cannot find persistence.xml

VisualVM connect to local TomEE very slow and can not take a heap dump

Why datasource is not found in JNDI after injection from jndi.properties?

What is the workflow for application startup and configuration when using Apache TomEE

In TDD, why OpenEJB and why Arquillian?

tdd ejb ejb-3.1 openejb

Jetty 8 + EJB 3.1 + JTA + CDI + JPA 2 stack?

Unit Testing EJB 3.1

DDL generation and general persistence.xml settings (OpenJPA)

How to configure OpenEJB logging?

java openejb

How to use TomEE with Hibernate

Comparing OpenEjb and Glassfish

How can I integrate Jersey with TomEE / openEJB