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New posts in nuget

NuGet Pack: ignore default includes

msbuild nuget nuget-package

How to use NuGet packages with an ASP.NET Website on CI Server

Providing a code analysis ruleset to a .net core project through NuGet

c# nuget .net-core stylecop

How to get a stylecop ruleset trough nuget in a .net standard project

Changing a project reference to a NuGet package reference on build

Nuget pack for multiple frameworks

msbuild nuget .net-standard

What nuget version is used by dotnet CLI /when do nuget features make it into the dotnet CLI?

Referencing assemblies that use NuGet packages from a project that also uses some of these packages

How to trigger NuGet v2.x Package Restore from CruiseControl.Net

How to Fix 401 Authentication Error when Publishing to Self-Hosted NuGet Server

jQuery datatables bundleconfig for MVC4?

Cannot run Nuget Package Restore from private Team City Nuget Server

teamcity nuget

Unable to find localdb nuget package

Can't install NuGet package on a blank solution in Visual Studio 2015

nuget visual-studio-2015

How to use XPathSelectElement in .Net Core 1.0?

Is it possible to host both regular and symbols packages in a NuGet local feed on a network share?

visual-studio-2015 nuget

Packing static content in Nuget for PackageReferece projects

nuget static-content nuspec

Plugin.BLE for Xamarin.Forms not detecting devices

Is Visual Studio's Remove Unused References Safe?

dotnet restore not updating to new version when using * placeholder in package reference

.net-core nuget