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New posts in nuget

Hyperlink in the description of the NuGet package in .nuspec

'dotnet restore' is failing when mixing a private NuGet feed and NEST

c# nuget .net-core

Mirror the entire official NuGet repository

nuget mirror

The package could not be found in C:\Users\username\.nuget\packages\. Run a NuGet package restore to download the package


Independent versioning of packages in a mono-repo

c# git jenkins nuget versioning

error NU1102: Unable to find package NuGet.Frameworks with version (>= 4.9.3)

Nuget.config ignored completely no matter what

Running powershell script from solution explorer inside Nuget Package Manager Console

c# powershell nuget

nuget pack with symbols is missing "content" directory


the remote name could not be resolved 'www.nuget.org'

Nuget does not update Package References in ASP.NET website

How can I specify an author if I'm using nuget.exe CLI

c# nuget

Binaries are added to project when NuGet package has Grpc.Core as a dependency

.net visual-studio nuget grpc

NuGet vs Direct Reference of Class w/ EF6 Entities

c# nuget

.NET Core build in docker linux container fails due to SSL authentication to Nuget

How to include XML Documentation from Nuget Package in csproj build output

F# compiler and runtime version number confusion

.net f# mono nuget

Is there an alternative for Nuget?


Remove project from solution via Package Manager Console

The type or namespace name 'Http' does not exist?