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New posts in nuget-spec

Nuget Package - Referenced Assemblies Are Not Being Included As Project References

Specify source in nuspec dependency

nuget nuget-spec

Unable to pack a NuGet package using dotnet CLI and nuspec file

c# .net-core nuget-spec

Include 3rd party DLLs in a NuGet package generated from a VS csproj

NuGet v4 contentFiles not getting copied to output

NuGet reference specification with an assembly not in lib subfolder

nuget nuget-spec

Where should I put the nuspec file

Execute an action after my nuget package is installed

Nuget pack does not honor number of digits on assembly version

Setting file properties with NuGet using .targets file

Hyperlink in the description of the NuGet package in .nuspec

Prevent embedding interop types in nuspec package file

How to change script or style files location from nuget?

Copy files from a subfolder to root in nuspec

declaring nuget packages that depend on each other in one solution

What is nuget props file and what is it for?

Guarantee same version of nuget packages

How to add a folder to a nuspec file