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How to determine if a type implements an interface in Powershell

Create or Get Solution folder in NuGet Init.ps1

How to block on a OpenFile in a Visual Studio addin

How can I use EnvDTE within a .NET Standard project

How to Replace DTE2 in .NET Standard

Is there an event triggered when dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.StartupProjects changes?

Form won't save after creating it with EnvDTE

How can I get IWpfTextView for EnvDte.ActiveDocument?

c# visual-studio envdte

Send the entire debug console output to clipboard?

c# .net vb.net winforms envdte

No reference to project item created through AddFromTemplate() returned

How to programmatically save Visual Studio solution?

c# envdte

Change the Debug properties of Visual Studio project programmatically by EnvDTE

c# visual-studio envdte

From a VS2008 VSPackage, how do I get notified whenever caret position changed?

How do I prevent IVsBuildPropertyStorage.SetItemAttribute from escaping special characters?

Visual Studio: Programmatically Create Project Items in project directory

VS Extension: TextPoint.GreaterThan / LessThan very slow for large files

How to reconcile the lack of Macros in Visual Studio 2012