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Extensibility Project Type does not exist with VS2013

Get file path from Visual Studio editor

Is there a good way to stream the results from an external process into a Visual Studio output pane?

Hooking into build process in Visual Studio

Is there an event triggered when dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.StartupProjects changes?

Visual Studio Extensibility Package not looking at correct project

How to correctly react on file change

c# file vsix vs-extensibility

How do I get the IVsTextView of a specific OutputWindowPane?

c# vs-extensibility

Register an extender provider for all project types

How to display the ouput window from an add-in?

Visual Studio Extensibility - Custom Language Text Editor Settings

In a VS 2017 custom project system, how can I make a project item bold in the Solution Explorer?

VSSDK: can't build solution with mixed style csproj-projects containing VSIX-projects

In a Visual Studio Extension, how to respond to "Open Folder" as well as "Open Solution"?

Is there a config type file for Visual Studio Add-In?

File changed event being called twice

c# vs-extensibility

Visual Studio 2010 Extensibility - Custom Project Template Wizard

Debug VSIX created in VS 2017 using the VS 2015 Experimental Instance