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New posts in vspackage

Get file path from Visual Studio editor

Is there a good way to stream the results from an external process into a Visual Studio output pane?

"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation." when building a Visual Studio 2010 VSPackage

How to upgrade a 2013 vspackage to visual Studio 2015

VSPackage: Modify toolbar button text/tooltip at runtime

Visual Studio menu item appearing multiple times

VSIX Project Context Menu

Export custom EditorFormatDefinition at runtime

How do I programmatically add a file to a Solution?

How to collect types from current solution using Visual Studio Extension?

VSIX Package doesn't include referenced project's dependencies

Changing the config file in a Visual Studio Package

How can i retrieve devenv.exe path for a vspackage installation?

Porting Visual Studio VSPackage to SSMS 2012 or 2014

VS Extensibility Architecture (Package API/ Visual Studio Library)

Get the Visual Studio color scheme from a VSPackage

Dynamic display custom Visual Studio VSPackage command on toolbar

How to get the details of the selected item in solution explorer using vs package

My vs package did not load correctly