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New posts in ssms-2014

SQL Server Management Studio 2014: Unable to view stored procedures on Azure SQL Database V12

Pass temp table to EXEC sp_executesql

Export Data-tier application error

alternatives to using IN clause

sql ssms-2014

Visual Studio 2013 High DPI workaround causes debugger to fail

Porting Visual Studio VSPackage to SSMS 2012 or 2014

Unable to find Restore Database Option in SSMS

SSMS Export Query Results to Excel or CSV

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How to add custom SP calls to SSMS toolbar

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Is it normal for the Delete key not to work when trying to rename a DB/table in SSMS?

SQL Server Management Studio dark theme for whole program

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SSMS 2014 randomly starts throwing "Value does not fall within the expected range" when using backspace key


SSMS Snippets and Shortcuts

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Does the Poor Mans T-SQL formatting add-in for Management Studio 2012 work in Management Studio 2014?