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New posts in bacpac

How to solve error "Can not perform requested operation on nested resource. Parent resource not found" az sql db import throws

Count not load schema model from package. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac)

Can I create a dacpac including data in SQL Server 2008?

Export Data-tier application error

Latest recommendations for Import\Export of SQl Server bacpac files [duplicate]

Why would a .bacpac file take several hours to import?

Sql Server change fill factor value for all indexes by tsql

sql tsql azure bacpac fillfactor

Error while importing bacpak in Sql Server 2012

Export SqlDatabase to Bacpac using SqlPackage.exe fails on fillfactor

sqlpackage.exe: any way to ignore users on export?

Restoring database from Azure BACPAC gives an error

sql-server azure ssms bacpac

Azure SQL Server BACPAC import failed

Bacpac export errors

SQL Server bacpac fails on local import in latest update (Online index operations can only be performed in Enterprise edition of SQL Server)

Import bacpac fails with "does not contain QueryStoreStaleQueryThreshold"

Error Importing Azure bacpac file to local db error incorrect syntax near EXTERNAL

sql azure import bacpac

Unable to restore bacpac due to foreign key conflict

Can't Export Data-tier Application for Azure

SQL Azure V12 BACPAC import error: "The internal target platform type SqlAzureV12DatabaseSchemaProvider does not support schema file version '3.3'"

sql-server azure bacpac