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Difference between References and Dependencies in Visual Studio 2017

Automatically promote a nuget packge using a relese definition

Nuget.targets: error could not find a part of the path

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What's the difference between Github and Nuget? [closed]

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jquery-2.0.0.min.map "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :"

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NuGet update and conditional references

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Nuget Powershell: how to add native dependencies? how to add files to a project inside a folder?

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how to handle a common library in TFS & share dlls

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How to use NuGet packages on build server/production server without internet?

NuGet References invalid when changed to Release build configuration

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How to ensure that all projects in a c# solution use same versions of third party library?

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Nuget package Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild fails in Dockerfile

Missing file NuGet.targets on existing project

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How do I make a build show up in my TeamCity public NuGet feed?

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An item with the same key has already been added nuget error

nuget nuget-package

Build fails in teamcity for Nuget packages

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Can I add GitHub as debugger source in Visual Studio?

Private NuGet Feed - Remembering Password

visual-studio nuget

Binding redirect for System.Net.Http doesn't work - why?

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Where does Visual Studio is referring the actual NuGet referenced DLL?

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