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New posts in newtype

Haskell newtype that reverses or flips order

haskell newtype

Tidying up Monads - turning application of a monad transformer into newtype monad

Restrictions of unboxed types

multi-parameter newtype faked with a tuple?

haskell newtype

Why can I omit the constructor when referring to newtype wrapped number types?

haskell typeclass newtype

Haskell: "Qualified name in binding position" error with Map.empty

What is the rule of the order of multiple type variables in haskell?

What is C#'s equivalent to Haskell's newtype?

c# haskell newtype

Can't make a derived instance of Num

Haskell newtype with parentheses

haskell newtype

Laziness/strictness between data and newtype

newtype with RankNTypes

What programming languages have something like Haskell’s `newtype`

Is it bad form to make new types/datas for clarity? [closed]

Is there a way to define an existentially quantified newtype in GHC Haskell?

Automatically implement traits of enclosed type for Rust newtypes (tuple structs with one field)

struct traits rust newtype

How best to implement the "newtype" idiom in C++? [duplicate]

c++ newtype

Difference between `data` and `newtype` in Haskell