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New posts in higher-rank-types

Encoding ExistentialQuantification with RankNTypes

List of existentially quantified values in Haskell

How does instantiation of higher-rank types and subsumption interact during unification?

RankNTypes for instance declarations?

Using a monadic rank-2 type

haskell higher-rank-types

How to construct values of a higher-rank Coyoneda type in CPS?

RankNTypes and Church numerals

Existential type wrappers necessity

Polymorphic (Generic) Functions as Arguments in C++

Transducers in Haskell and the monomorphism restriction

How to non-impredicatively return `Maybe` a lens?

How to infer the type of the Scott encoded List constructor?

Flipping with rank-N types

RankNTypes: apply the same function to pairs of different types

Encode rank-2 polymorphism equivalent in SML

How exactly do type synonyms work?

newtype around ST causes type error

How does let interact with higher rank types in Haskell?

Constraint subset higher-order constraint

Heterogeneous map