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SML/NJ - One line length function using foldr

sml fold smlnj ml

OCaml functions passing in one less argument

EQUALOP error message with SML

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Are there other ways to deconstruct option types in OCaml?

ocaml ml code-readability

foldr/foldl with logic operators in SML

OCaml used in demonstrations?

ocaml ml

datatype Nt = int | string in ML

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Can I use Gambit-C, Mlton, or Chicken Scheme with Google's Native Client

Binomial Heaps: proof that merge runs in O(log n) time

Standard ML Proof of soundness?

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Changing identical types in OCAML

Example of nested signatures in OCaml?

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Does SML (Poly) have a CL-like REPL?

Deriving type expression in ML

File seeking with SML Basis

Explain ML type inference to a C++ programmer

Getting started with Standard ML

Finding an item in a list and returning its index - OCaml

What does pipe ( | ) mean in ML Programming?

pattern-matching sml ml

Inferred type appears to detect an infinite loop, but what's really happening?