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Difference between `data` and `newtype` in Haskell

People also ask

What is Newtype in Haskell?

In Haskell, the newtype declaration creates a new type from an existing one. For example, natural numbers can be represented by the type Integer using the following declaration: newtype Natural = MakeNatural Integer. This creates an entirely new type, Natural, whose only constructor contains a single Integer.

What does data do in Haskell?

data means that we're defining a new data type. The part before the = denotes the type, which is Bool. The parts after the = are value constructors. They specify the different values that this type can have.

Great question!

There are several key differences.


  • A newtype guarantees that your data will have exactly the same representation at runtime, as the type that you wrap.
  • While data declares a brand new data structure at runtime.

So the key point here is that the construct for the newtype is guaranteed to be erased at compile time.


  • data Book = Book Int Int


  • newtype Book = Book (Int, Int)


Note how it has exactly the same representation as a (Int,Int), since the Book constructor is erased.

  • data Book = Book (Int, Int)

data tuple

Has an additional Book constructor not present in the newtype.

  • data Book = Book {-# UNPACK #-}!Int {-# UNPACK #-}!Int

enter image description here

No pointers! The two Int fields are unboxed word-sized fields in the Book constructor.

Algebraic data types

Because of this need to erase the constructor, a newtype only works when wrapping a data type with a single constructor. There's no notion of "algebraic" newtypes. That is, you can't write a newtype equivalent of, say,

data Maybe a = Nothing
             | Just a

since it has more than one constructor. Nor can you write

newtype Book = Book Int Int


The fact that the constructor is erased leads to some very subtle differences in strictness between data and newtype. In particular, data introduces a type that is "lifted", meaning, essentially, that it has an additional way to evaluate to a bottom value. Since there's no additional constructor at runtime with newtype, this property doesn't hold.

That extra pointer in the Book to (,) constructor allows us to put a bottom value in.

As a result, newtype and data have slightly different strictness properties, as explained in the Haskell wiki article.


It doesn't make sense to unbox the components of a newtype, since there's no constructor. While it is perfectly reasonable to write:

data T = T {-# UNPACK #-}!Int

yielding a runtime object with a T constructor, and an Int# component. You just get a bare Int with newtype.


  • "Newtype" on the Haskell wiki
  • Norman Ramsey's answer about the strictness properties