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New posts in namespaces

How do you implement a @using across all Views in Asp.Net MVC 3?

Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Excel' not found in Laravel

What methods are there to modularize C code?

Why multiple namespaces?

When to use a namespace or a struct?

c++ struct namespaces

Are namespaces really all that useful in frameworks?

php namespaces class

Reference added but Namespace is not recognized

c# namespaces

adding a custom namespace to xaml

wpf xaml namespaces

How can I enforce a compiler warning or error for namespace conflicts?

Way to get VS 2008 to stop forcing indentation on namespaces?

Scope of nested function declaration in C++

"Assembly Same Simple Name already been imported" error

How to use useDynLib() correctly in an R package namespace file

Is a namespace required when referring to the base class

Dynamic Element Names

xml xslt namespaces

PHP Namespace Syntax: What is the Difference with Braces vs. without Braces?

php namespaces

Forward declaring classes in namespaces

Why can't we declare namespace aliases inside a class?

c++ namespaces

src/ folder structure in C++?

c++ namespaces packages

Can I get metadata for a namespace?

clojure namespaces metadata