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New posts in namespaces

Is there a way to escape root namespace in VB?

Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in a Silex Application

namespaces autoload silex php

Calling a static method from a class in another namespace in PHP

EF6: Renaming namespace using Code First Migrations

Should you declare enums inside or outside a class? [closed]

What is namespace pollution?


Difference between cin and cin.get() for char array

c++ arrays string namespaces cin

Operator in namespace scope hiding another in global scope

c++ namespaces name-lookup

WCF service reference namespace differs from original

C++ circular dependency - namespace vs struct

c++ namespaces

forward declaration and namespaces (c++)

How do I call a Django Rest Framework URL using namespacing?

PHP static method call with variable class name and namespaces

Changing company name...do we change namespaces?

namespaces refactoring

How to create an XML document with a namespaced root element with Nokogiri Builder

xml ruby namespaces nokogiri

Is it OK to put a standard, pure C header #include directive inside a namespace? [duplicate]

c++ namespaces include

C#: Use a namespace for a specific block of code?

c# namespaces

PHP: Namespaces in a single file with a global namespace

php namespaces

class friend function inside a namespace

c++ namespaces friend

Creating a specific XML document using namespaces in C#

c# xml namespaces xsd