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New posts in maven-plugin

Maven failure to find maven-plugins:maven-cobertura-plugin

maven maven-plugin pom.xml

Intellij Maven: Create jar with all library dependencies

Maven woes: maven-clean-plugin not found in repository

java maven maven-plugin

custom maven plugin fail: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3379 at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.<init>(Unknown Source)

java maven-plugin

How to generate Json compatible POJO from xsd

java json maven-plugin

Installing BOM before Maven tries to resolves it

maven maven-3 maven-plugin

Change maven dependency for artifact using classifier

Error during the creating of custom processors apache nifi

maven-dependency-plugin:copy tries to copy classes

Why does maven-site-plugin always use version 3.3?

Ignoring report generation for specific classes in cobertura maven plugin

Maven Plugin API: Get MavenProject from Artifact

java maven maven-plugin

Make Maven PMD Plugin Print Errors to Console

maven maven-3 maven-plugin pmd

What should I put in the target directory?

java maven maven-plugin

How do you force a maven MOJO to be executed only once at the end of a build?

java maven-2 maven-plugin mojo

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration for maven-plugin-plugin in m2e 1.5.x / Eclipse Luna

Maven not using the local repo

maven-compiler-plugin in parent pom

Why is 'publishing' function not being found in my custom gradle.kts file within buildSrc directory?

android maven plugin does not get ANDROID_HOME env variable in Eclipse