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New posts in eclipse-luna

installing SVN Kit connectors proxy authentication error

Scala plug-in for Eclipse Luna

How to Downgrade my eclipse Luna to eclipse Kepler

linux eclipse eclipse-luna

Gc overhead limit exceeded is showing after adding google play services library

On Eclipse-Java EE, how do I change the color settings for selected elements on a tree view?

Android Support Library v17

unable to scroll smoothly in eclipse-luna(ubuntu-12.04)

How to remove additional class drop down in Eclipse Project Explorer view?

eclipse eclipse-luna

Git won't stop tracking eclipse java .recommenders

java eclipse git eclipse-luna

Eclipse Luna Hanging when Loading Debug Configuration

how to unlock toolbar in Eclipse luna

eclipse eclipse-luna

Luna - Could not create the view: org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.ServersView

eclipse eclipse-luna

Not able to create Dynamic web project in Eclipse Luna

java eclipse eclipse-luna

Cannot update Eclipse Luna

Unable to execute initial Android Wear Hello World App in eclipse

How to disable warning "No break at the end of case" in Eclipse? [duplicate]

Cannot install Cobertura plugin for Eclipse