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New posts in gradle-kotlin-dsl

Cannot access includeAndroidResource It is private in UnitTestOptions

android build.gradle.kts flavoured implementation

How to use pom type dependency in Gradle

gradle gradle-kotlin-dsl

Upgrade to AGP 4.2.0 ,unable to generate Jacoco code coverage report

How do I create an additional Kotlin SourceSet using Gradle with Kotlin DSL

How to set different applicationId for each flavor combination using flavorDimensions when using Gradle Kotlin-DSL?

Could not import project 'FirebaseUI-Android'

Publishing Library using Kotlin DSL

Cannot use kotlin-gradle-dsl scripts while using android gradle plugin version 7.0.0-alpha15

Custom Clean / delete task in build.gradle.kts

gradle gradle-kotlin-dsl

Unresolved reference: KotlinCompilerVersion in build.gradle.kts

Can't use project extra properties in plugin block


How do you add local .jar file dependency to build.gradle.kt file?


Add classpath in manifest using Gradle