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New posts in maven-publish

How to publish an Android .aar file to Artifactory

gradle 6.x kotlin spring-boot jar publish fails, workaround in gradle-kotlin-dsl needed

Maven-publish cannot not apply withXML on pom file (No signature of method)

Gradle maven-publish plugin produces pom with no dependencies

Could not transfer artifact pom in gradle maven-publish plugin

gradle maven-publish

Gradle signArchives unable to read Secret Key

Gradle, SpringBoot, MavenPublish - Publication only contains dependencies and/or constraints without a version

Unresolved reference from gradle maven dependency via s3

Gradle Maven publish to nexus delombok source code

Publishing is not able to resolve a dependency on a project with multiple publications that have different coordinates

Why is 'publishing' function not being found in my custom gradle.kts file within buildSrc directory?

why android gradle maven publish artifact bundleRelease not found

gradle maven-publish

Android / Execution failed for task checkDebugAarMetadata / A failure occurred while executing CheckAarMetadataWorkAction

Gradle Artifactory Plugin - How to publish artifacts from multiple modules in a project?

Publish Java artifact to Maven Local with Gradle