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New posts in maven-central

Publish kotlin multiplatform library to Maven Central (InvalidMavenPublicationException multiple artifacts with the identical ...)

How does Maven decide what version of a plugin to use, when you don't specify any?

Getting 400 Bad Request when deploying to Maven Central with gpg:sign-and-deploy-file

New-added Maven plugin becomes red in IntelliJ

Close and release artifact on maven central using gradle

Publishing own libary to mavenCentral from private repository

android maven-central

What is the procedure and what are the requirements to submit artifacts to maven central repository?

Could not find org.koin:koin-core:2.2.2

SBT with Maven Central - get rid of Scala version in artifact url

difference between com.sun.jna and net.java.dev.jna?

java jna maven-central

Gradle signArchives unable to read Secret Key

Change Gradle mavenCentral URL to My repo

Gradle signing Android Library publications: Cannot perform signing task because it has no configured signatory

How to remove all default resolvers from a Play! application?

How to use the Processing core library with Maven?

How to release a Scala library to Maven Central using sbt?

Maven build gets connection reset when downloading artifacts

I get an error downloading javax.media.jai_core:1.1.3 from maven central

Gradle 0.9.+/0.9.2 error: Unable to load class 'com.android.builder.testing.api.DeviceProvider'