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How does Maven decide what version of a plugin to use, when you don't specify any?

I recognized that Maven not always uses the latest version of a plugin.

For example org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin version 2.7 has beed released on 19th of October but on 23th of October, 2.6 was still used by Maven (mvn sonar:sonar).

I even remember some plugins, where the latest version was several minor releases above the version that Maven decided to use.

Is there any (central) index/list/database where Maven looks up what version to use? If yes, where can it be accessed manually?

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BlackEye Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 13:12


1 Answers

I know this is an ancient thread but in the interest of posterity and accuracy: all pom.xmls logically inherit from the super POM. You can always see what your "real" pom.xml looks like by typing:

mvn help:effective-pom

The resulting pom.xml that is printed is a combination of the super POM, your pom.xml, and of course any parent POMs in the mix as well.

The super POM is provided by the org.apache.maven.model.superpom.DefaultSuperPomProvider class (https://github.com/apache/maven/blob/bce33aa2662a51d18cb00347cf2fb174dc195fb1/maven-model-builder/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/model/superpom/DefaultSuperPomProvider.java#L56-L85). The resource it loads is org/apache/maven/model/pom-4.0.0.xml (https://github.com/apache/maven/blob/bce33aa2662a51d18cb00347cf2fb174dc195fb1/maven-model-builder/src/main/resources/org/apache/maven/model/pom-4.0.0.xml#L23-L149).

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Laird Nelson Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 06:12

Laird Nelson