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New posts in markdown

R inline markdown

R Markdown code folding doesn't work with bash, Python code chunks

generate table of contents for markdown out of latex .toc-file

What are the downsides of delegating Markdown parsing to the client side?

Displaying an image from AWS S3 with GitHub Flavored Markdown

Tables or images too wide in Pandoc output as DOCX or PDF/LaTeX

pdf latex markdown pandoc

How to make a table of contents in markdown-mode?

Vim: wrap text ("gq") without modifying underlined headings

Ressources for CSS styles suitable for Knitr-markdown output?

css r markdown knitr

Setting multiple categories in jekyll

ruby markdown jekyll

How to render table and math in Rmarkdown when called from Shiny App

javascript html r shiny markdown

More flexible citation formats

How do I convert <img> tags in markdown cells when exporting in Jupyter?

Problems rendering table using r Markdown, kable and kableExtra

r markdown kable kableextra

How to create a only one row table using markdown

markdown gitbook

What's the easiest way to convert an SO data dump from HTML back to Markdown?

c lua markdown data-dump

Rails and markdown and editor

ruby-on-rails markdown

Rendering lightweight markup languages with maven

How do I add a trailing # (hash) to a header in GitHub flavored markdown?

Create custom markdown parser with JavaScript

javascript parsing markdown