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New posts in markdown

How to create a list with bigger font in markdown

How do I more efficiently insert footnotes into a Hexo post?

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white space between title and plot in ioslides

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Why are some buttons grayed out in the markdown plugin for IntelliJ?

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Rmarkdown to Word output - insert page number for word document

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How do I include "{% %}" in markdown file when using jekyll?

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Limit Output of Function in Rstudio (3.1.1) when Knitting to PDF

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How do you display markdown value using jinja2?

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Markdown-preview does't work in emacs markdown mode

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Stop pandoc adding id automatically

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How to send images in Gitter? [closed]

How to translate title of `abstract` in a pandoc's markdown (e.g., Rmd) document?

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How to change to another bibliography style in Bookdown

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How can I apply inline css rules to pandoc html to markdown conversion?

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How to do syntax highlighting on Next.js markdown blog

How do I change the color of just one element in a Mermaid sequence diagram?

Error running filter pandoc-citeproc: Could not find executable pandoc-citeproc

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ActionScript library to convert Markdown to HTML

Is it possible to perform "tabs" in Multimarkdown?

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Why is my PHP regex that parses Markdown links broken?

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