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New posts in text-formatting

Re enabling disable full html in Drupal 7

Why doesn't %A text formatting work with internal modules in F#?

f# text-formatting

Displaying formatted text in Silverlight

How to get a superscript in Qt Creator for label text?

How to read output from linux process status (ps) command in R?

Bold syntax around single character in Redmine

Visual Studio 2010 - C# - "Ignore spaces in declaration statements" not working

How to create a Custom text formatter for Cloudwatch?

How can I use the \t [tab] operator to format a NSString in columns?

implemeting a text field input like an atm machines input

Changing font-weight of partial cell value in Google Sheet using Google App script

Make xml more readable

htmltidy problems about script tags [duplicate]

Creating columns of text with a variable width font

Vim: wrap text ("gq") without modifying underlined headings

sed: removing alphanumeric words from a file

sed text-formatting

Converting all uppercase letters to init caps

css text-formatting

Paste from MS Word document to a Web Form

Wiki style text formatting