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New posts in localization

iOS - Emphasise with bold strings in Localizable.strings

Localizing DateTime (and numbers) in Blazor

I18n and calendars - Can the calendar system remain as the Gregorian Calendar?

C#: get letters of alphabet for scandinavian language?

c# localization

iPhone : Is it possible to split Localizable.strings in many files

Is it possible to use data annotations for LabelFor,ValidationMessageFor, EditorFor with strongly typed resources?

Maven filter garbling special characters

How to localize an enum and use something similar to Html.SelectListFor<T>

Localization of Bundle Display Name fails in XCode 4

Multi language PHP application: best practice?

How to do CamelCase with German words (or with any other language that supports compound nouns)?

What is the best way to parse localized numbers from .NET/Razor in javascript?

Localizable.strings in UTF-8 is working?

ios xcode localization

Localizing timeAgoInWords in CakePHP

Any good algorithms for text localization in images?

How to index a postgres table by name, when the name can be in any language?

Localization vs Customization

Localization of apk strings in both english UK and english US?

Django compilemessages doesn't create .mo files

fmt:message prints key with question marks like so "???login.label.username???"

jsp localization jstl