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Retrieving sentence score based on values of words in a dictionary

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Reorganize list into dataframe using dplyr

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R: How do you apply grep() in lapply()

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Apply if else statements across columns in data frame based on condition of value in other column

How to split a list of data.frame and apply a function to one column?

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Using lapply to fit multiple model -- how to keep the model formula self-contained in lm object

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Python equivalent for do.call(rbind, lapply()) from R

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Lapply to a list of dataframes only if column exists

return multiple values from sapply/lapply

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R lapply for list of lists to apply the same function to pre-defined columns

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Error in heatmap.2 (gplots)

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Web scraping into R multiple links with similar URL using a for loop or lapply

how to efficiently import multiple raster (.tif) files into R

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how to track progress in mclapply in R in parallel package

Extracting p-value from lapply list of glm fits

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Nested lapply() in a list?

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Sum elements across a list of data.frames

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Why `$` failed to subset list elements when passed to sapply/lapply as FUN argument while `[[` works? [duplicate]

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Performing loops on list of lists of rasters

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Why doesn't lapply work on S4 objects which have an as.list.default method?

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