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Web scraping into R multiple links with similar URL using a for loop or lapply

This code scrapes from here http://www.bls.gov/schedule/news_release/2015_sched.htm every Date that contains Employment Situation under the Release column.

pg <- read_html("http://www.bls.gov/schedule/news_release/2015_sched.htm")

# target only the <td> elements under the bodytext div
body <- html_nodes(pg, "div#bodytext")

# we use this new set of nodes and a relative XPath to get the initial <td> elements, then get their siblings
es_nodes <- html_nodes(body, xpath=".//td[contains(., 'Employment Situation for')]/../td[1]")

# clean up the cruft and make our dates!
nfpdates2015 <- as.Date(trimws(html_text(es_nodes)), format="%A, %B %d, %Y")

###thanks @hrbrmstr for this###

I would like to repeat that for other URLs, containing other years, named in the same way with only the year number changing. Particularly, for the following URLs:

#From 2008 to 2015

My knowledge of rvest, HTML and XML is almost non-existent. I thought to apply the same code with a for loop, but my efforts were futile. Of course I could just repeat the code for 2015 eight times to get all years, it would neither take too long nor too much space. Yet I am very curious to know how this could be done in a more efficient way. Thank you.

like image 596
Krug Avatar asked May 01 '16 06:05


1 Answers

In a loop you would change the url string using a paste0 statment

for(i in 2008:2015){

  url <- paste0("http://www.bls.gov/schedule/news_release/", i, "_sched.htm")
  pg <- read_html(url)

  ## all your other code goes here.


Or using an lapply to return a list of the results.

lst <- lapply(2008:2015, function(x){
  url <- paste0("http://www.bls.gov/schedule/news_release/", x, "_sched.htm")

  ## all your other code goes here.
  pg <- read_html(url)

  # target only the <td> elements under the bodytext div
  body <- html_nodes(pg, "div#bodytext")

  # we use this new set of nodes and a relative XPath to get the initial <td> elements, then get their siblings
  es_nodes <- html_nodes(body, xpath=".//td[contains(., 'Employment Situation for')]/../td[1]")

  # clean up the cruft and make our dates!
  nfpdates <- as.Date(trimws(html_text(es_nodes)), format="%A, %B %d, %Y")

Which returns

 [1] "2008-01-04" "2008-02-01" "2008-03-07" "2008-04-04" "2008-05-02" "2008-06-06" "2008-07-03" "2008-08-01" "2008-09-05"
[10] "2008-10-03" "2008-11-07" "2008-12-05"

 [1] "2009-01-09" "2009-02-06" "2009-03-06" "2009-04-03" "2009-05-08" "2009-06-05" "2009-07-02" "2009-08-07" "2009-09-04"
[10] "2009-10-02" "2009-11-06" "2009-12-04"

## etc...
like image 187
SymbolixAU Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 23:11
