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Extracting p-value from lapply list of glm fits





I am using lapply to perform several glm regressions on one dependent variable by one independent variable at a time. Right now I am specifically interested in the Pr(>|z|) of each independent variable. However, I am unsure on how to report just Pr(>|z|) using the list from lapply.

If I was just running one model at a time: coef(summary(fit))[,"Pr(>|z|)"] or summary(fit)$coefficients[,4] Would work (as described here), but trying something similar with lapply does not seem to work. Can I get just the p-values using lapply and glm with an accessor method or from directly calling from the models?

#mtcars dataset
vars <- names(mtcars)[2:8]
fits <- lapply(vars, function(x) {glm(substitute(mpg ~ i, list(i = as.name(x))), family=binomial, data = mtcars)})
lapply(fits,summary) # this works
lapply(fits, coefficients) # this works
#lapply(fits, summary(fits)$coefficients[,4])# this for example does not work
like image 208
nofunsally Avatar asked Feb 06 '13 03:02


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$\begingroup$@Ciochi: You're welcome. Feel free to accept/upvote my answer, if it is helpful. Yes, fitis new variable that gets created and initialized with the return value of the glm()function (the return value is an object of class glm).$\endgroup$

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1 Answers

You want to do:

lapply(fits, function(f) summary(f)$coefficients[,4])

However, if each item is just a p-value, you would probably rather have a vector than a list, so you could use sapply instead of lapply:

sapply(fits, function(f) summary(f)$coefficients[,4])
like image 72
David Robinson Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 03:11

David Robinson