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How to work with times, distance and speed?




I'm learning R by analysing the results of a bike race and I'm having problems with the time data (how much a person took to finish the race).

The time data has the format "HH:MM:SS".

I tried converting it to posixct but it adds a date component to it. I also tried the chron package but it won't let me divide a number by a time object

One of the things I want to do is to calculate average speeds using this time, so I need to be able to divide distance by time.

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edmz Avatar asked Jan 23 '13 03:01


3 Answers

The package chron has classes to deal with times, and the function to use is, wait for it, times(). Here is an example using typical times for running a standard marathon:

tms <- c("2:06:00", "3:34:30", "4:12:59")
x <- times(tms)

You now have a times object, representing fractions of a day.

Class 'times'  atomic [1:3] 0.0875 0.149 0.1757
  ..- attr(*, "format")= chr "h:m:s"

You can perform speed calculations, but you will need to convert the class from dates to numeric with as.numeric.

dist <- 42.2
[1] 20.09524 11.80420 10.00856

And there you have it: speeds in km/h.

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Andrie Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 22:11


I would use POSIXct for which you have by far the strongest support in base R, and add-on packages.

Whenever I use intra-daily data for which the day does not matter, I just add a base date of, say, January 1st of the current year. For all comparisons, differences, etc this washes out.

Also of note: as.numeric() of a POSIXct variable gets you back to normal numbers (of seconds.subseconds since the epoch) which is handy for both arithmetic and in case you need to store (in a db without datetime), or transfer to another system or languages. Everybody has floating point---and (fractional) seconds since epoch is easy. POSIXct gives you added benefits for formatting, sequences, differences, plotting, ...

Here is a little example:

R> txt <- c("08:09:10", "09:10:11", "10:11:12", "11:12:13")
R> times <- as.POSIXct(paste("2013-01-01", txt))
R> times
[1] "2013-01-01 08:09:10 CST" "2013-01-01 09:10:11 CST" 
+   "2013-01-01 10:11:12 CST" "2013-01-01 11:12:13 CST"
R> times - times[1]
Time differences in secs
[1]     0  3661  7322 10983
[1] ""
R> as.numeric(times - times[1])
[1]     0  3661  7322 10983
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Dirk Eddelbuettel Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 23:11

Dirk Eddelbuettel

What you are looking at is not really time, but an elapsed time. There are data types for elapsed time. In base R, the difftime class does this.

tms <- c("2:06:00", "3:34:30", "4:12:59", "08:09:10",
         "09:10:11", "10:11:12", "11:12:13")

ta <- as.difftime(tms)

which displays as

> ta
Time differences in hours
[1]  2.100000  3.575000  4.216389  8.152778  9.169722 10.186667 11.203611
[1] ""
> format(ta)
[1] " 2.100000 hours" " 3.575000 hours" " 4.216389 hours" " 8.152778 hours" " 9.169722 hours"
[6] "10.186667 hours" "11.203611 hours"

You can do math with this as well by converting to numeric.

> 42.2/as.numeric(ta)
[1] 20.095238 11.804196 10.008564  5.176150  4.602102  4.142670  3.766643

The lubridate package also has types that deal with elapsed time, specifically duration.

ti <- as.duration(as.difftime(tms))

which displays as

> ti
[1] 7560s (~2.1 hours)    12870s (~3.58 hours)  15179s (~4.22 hours)  29350s (~8.15 hours) 
[5] 33011s (~9.17 hours)  36672s (~10.19 hours) 40333s (~11.2 hours) 

and you can do math with is after converting to numeric (here, seconds rather than hours)

> 42.2/as.numeric(ti)
[1] 0.005582011 0.003278943 0.002780157 0.001437819 0.001278362 0.001150742 0.001046290
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Brian Diggs Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 23:11

Brian Diggs