David Robinson has asked 15
questions and find answers to 237
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15 questions
237 answers
My interests include statistics, data analysis, education, and programming in R and Python. I have a blog about statistics and programming.
Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach: a guide to drawing insights from text using the tidytext package in R. Co-authored with Julia Silge, and published by O'Reilly in July 2017. Also available for free online.
Introduction to Empirical Bayes: Examples from Baseball Statistics. An e-book demonstrating the statistical method of empirical Bayes, based on the example of estimating baseball batting averages.
broom: Convert messy model outputs to a tidy format, for use with tools such as dplyr and tidyr.
fuzzyjoin: Join tables based on inexact matching of columns
tidytext: Analyze text using tidy packages such as dplyr, ggplot2, and tidyr
stackr: R package for connecting to the Stack Exchange API