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Computing new attribute for a list of multiple dataframes and unlists

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r mapply vs "bad lapply"

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data.table: Using with=False and transforming function/summary function?

Subset list of vectors with vector of positions

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How to delete a slot of an element in a list in R with lappy

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putting `mclapply` results back onto data.frame

R - using "next" statement in apply function

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Get column names with zero variance using dplyr

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Compact a data frame by removing some of the NA cells?

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Counting the number of rows of a series of csv files

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looping nested lists in R

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How to sum list elements with the same name?

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how to slice data in lapply function

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Access previous elements in lapply/sapply

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Print the Nth Row in a List of Data Frames

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lapply and do.call running very slowly?

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Using objects inside list as function arguments in lapply

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R shiny progress bar for pblapply functions

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Using lapply() in renderUI() in Shiny Module

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Why `missing` and default arguments are not working in functions called by `lapply`?

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