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New posts in language-design

Design reason why .NET does not have a conceptual (Fatal-)Error exception type? [closed]

Why isn't the scope of a switch statement in Java limited?

Why do property setters and getters clash with get_X and set_X methods?

Why couldn't Julia superset python?

Which language idioms/paradigms/features make it hard to add support for "type providers"?

Java compilers or JVM languages that support goto?

advantages, disadvantages, and difficulties of writing a language to use .NET

.net clr language-design

What is the reason behind not having a simpler multi-line comment in Perl?

Why no non-integral enums?

c# enums language-design

C++0x implementation guesstimates?

Why does this code throw ReferenceError: test is not defined?

Does Perl language aim at producing fast programs at runtime?

Require a class to be instanced in C#?

Why are Python lists implemented as dynamic arrays instead of ring buffers?

How to make a Side-by-Side Compiler for .NET

Ruby - Array method confusion

ruby language-design

What's the point of having both include and require constructs in PHP?

Choosing a consistency model for a concurrent programming language