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New posts in language-design

Immutability after dependency injection, initialization

Why is the java.lang.Thread class in Java not marked final by the designers?

Need help improving a Ruby DSL for controlling an Arduino controlled drink dispenser (bar monkey)

interface for only certain classes?

General C# question

Can a statically typed language be developed with the DLR?

why did K&R make &&, || logical and &, | bitwise, not the other way around? [closed]

c language-design

Pros and cons of immutable strings

Why can't templates take function local types?

Re-implementing an interface that another interface already inherits

Extended Backus–Naur Form order of operations

Why are functions like escape, unescape, etc, not methods on the String object? [closed]

How is match implemented in a language like Rust?

Emulating Prolog backtracking in F#

Creating a small programming language for beginners

Does a programming language with the following features exist?

Why is -1 the result of coercing True to an integer in VB6?

vb6 language-design

Why can't I add a tuple to a list with the '+' operator in Python?

List of OO languages where object immutability can be compiler enforced

How would you go about writing a simple programming language? [duplicate]