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New posts in library-design

Raise compile-time error if a string has whitespace

What's the purpose of $scope in scala.Predef?

xml scala scope library-design

Why is 'this' in jquery chaining callbacks a DOM element?

Compose C header file to be able to be used from C++

What purpose does `gsl::string_span` aim at?

How should I build a simple database package for my python application?

Why is the java.lang.Thread class in Java not marked final by the designers?

Implementing copy and move assignment with a single function

val or object for immutable, final singleton object

Order of Java 8's datetime package DayOfWeek enum [closed]

The mechanics of extension via free functions or member functions

An Object that returns an instance of itself

javascript library-design

Is requiring a certain order for #includes in c++ a sign of bad library/header design?

c++ include library-design

Is there any reason for std::multiplies and std::divides to be in third person? [closed]

c++ library-design

Why do std::count(_if) return iterator::difference_type instead of size_t? [duplicate]

Why generic IList<> does not inherit non-generic IList

Why does std::fstream set the EOF bit the way it does?

c++ iostream library-design

Writing a library with C and C++ interfaces, which way to wrap?

c++ c library-design

What's the purpose of Function.const?