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New posts in language-design

Why is the default scoping behavior in Perl the way that it is?

perl scope language-design

Are there any language or specification changes planned for a future release of Scala? [closed]

Does any programming language support defining constraints on primitive data types?

Anonymous function conceptual understanding

Why do one liner functions require braces?

c language-design

Why differentiate between methods that return a value and methods that don't?

When talking about programming languages, what is the definition of Magic?


Creating objects on the fly in Python [duplicate]

How to implement C++0x raw string literal?

Relationship between parsing, highlighting and completion

Modern language support += but not &&=

C-like language without NULL?

Why do object literals in javascript save unnecessary DOM references?

Is there member initialization list syntax in Java like C++?

java c++ language-design

Why can we not set properties of properties?

Does private mean different things in C++ and C#?

c# c++ language-design private

Ruby Assignment Syntax

ruby syntax language-design

Why are PHP booleans both lower case and upper case?


Why does Clojure lack user defined reader macros?